Preserve Physician-Led Healthcare Colleagues: I have good news and bad news. The bad news is that we face a number of problematic proposals in the Executive Budget. The most concerning is a proposal to permit Physician Assistants to practice without any required physician supervision or collaboration after 8,000 hours of clinical practice if they are
Providers May Now Text Patient Info, Orders to Care Teams A significant update from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) states that healthcare providers working in hospitals and critical access hospitals are now approved to text patient information and orders among care team members without violating Medicare’s Conditions of Participation. However, there’s a
US Study Uncovers 275 Million Entirely New Genetic Variants In a National Institutes of Health-funded study, researchers have made a discovery within the genetic code of 250,000 U.S. volunteers, uncovering more than 275 million previously unidentified variants that could illuminate why certain diseases are more prevalent in specific groups. This significant leap in genomic research,
Health Advisory: COVID-19 Antiviral Treatment Underutilization and Changes in How to Access Medications with Commercialization of Oral Antiviral The New York State Department of Health is reporting a critical underutilization of COVID-19 antiviral treatments among high-risk populations, with only 10% receiving treatment. Effective against current virus strains, these antivirals are crucial in reducing hospitalizations and
MSSNY Physician Advocacy Day Please join MSSNY for our annual Physician Advocacy Day March 12, 2024, , an educational program where physicians can hear from legislative leaders regarding key healthcare issues in New York State, and have the opportunity to pose questions to these leaders. At the program’s conclusion, physicians will join with their colleagues
Women Physicians Leadership Academy Join MSSNY and MESF for the March 2024 Women Physicians Leadership Academy, a series of virtual leadership webinars for physicians, residents, and med students. This academy will be held over a series of Saturdays in March (March 2, 9, 16) from 7:45-11:15 am. The Fall sessions (October 21, 28, and November
Call for Abstract Reviewers & Judges Got an eye for groundbreaking research? We’re looking for passionate individuals to review and judge the submissions for MSSNY’s 2024 Poster Symposium. Interested? Email Kathy Rohrer to get involved. This year’s symposium will be held Friday, April 12, 2024, at the Long Island Marriott (101 James Doolittle Blvd, Uniondale,
Healthcare Appreciation Celebration with the New York Yankees Attention all Yankees fans! From May 17th to May 22nd, the Yankees celebrate Healthcare Appreciation Days. Watch the Yankees play against the White Sox from May 17th to May 19th, and each ticket will include a choice between a tumbler or a scrub top. Watch the Yankees
Clarification on the New G2211- Are You Billing Correctly? National Government Services (NGS) addresses critical questions and clarifies the new G2211 code to ensure healthcare providers are billing accurately. As part of the Evaluation and Management Services, understanding the nuances of G2211 is crucial for compliance and optimal reimbursement.
Salary Data & Contract Review Tips: Earn Your Worth How do you know what you are worth? What’s in a normal contract? How do I know if I have leverage? Kyle Claussen, CEO of Resolve, will join us March 20, at 12 pm to discuss the most problematic issues in physician contracts, including: Compensation Call Coverage