Physician Wellness and Resilience Resources

Stress is a serious problem with serious consequences faced by many physicians throughout their professional careers.

Recognizing that this is a critical challenge for the medical profession and the overall healthcare system, the MSSNY Committee on Physician Wellness and Resilience (see members here) addresses ways to help our colleagues understand the issues, develop skills to manage their own stress, and have a resource to turn to.

We have gathered a compendium of relevant articles that will help you understand and cope with the universal issue of physician stress and burnout. Material on this topic is abundant, and we have organized these important articles by dividing them into four sections, based on the reader’s perspective:

Here are three articles the committee has written that cover individual and organizational interventions that will help you understand and cope with the universal issue of physician stress and burnout

  1. Physician Burnout – The State of the State: MSSNY Task Force on Physician Stress and Burnout Survey Findings
  2. Burnout Reduction for the Individual Clinician
  3. Burnout: Advocacy Efforts
The organizations below have agreed to let us share their excellent resources:

The Committee plans to continue to develop additional materials, support mechanisms, and advocacy initiatives to help MSSNY members deal with this crucial issue.

We welcome your comments, which you may send to Emily Rento, Program Coordinator.

Charles Rothberg, MD
Chair, MSSNY Committee on Physician Wellness and Resilience
Director, Medical Faculty and Clinician Wellness Program