Medical Society of the State of New York Political Action Committee
The Political Voice of New York’s Physicians
Maximize your effectiveness as an advocate for your patients, medial practice and profession through MSSNYPAC and the Physician Advocacy Liaison Network.
MSSNYPAC supports medicine-friendly candidates for public office at the state-level who are sensitive to the concerns of physicians and their patients. We encourage face-to-face relationship building between candidates and physicians. The candidates we elect will form the public policies which effect how we practice medicine and whether patients can see their physician. When healthcare policy decisions are on the discussion table, the physician voice needs to be strong and well-represented. Join or increase your support today.
Corporate Contributions: The NYS Election Law places aggregate calendar year limits on the amount of political contributions that can be made by corporations.
- A corporation may make political contributions up to a total of $5,000.00, in the aggregate, in a calendar year.
A corporation usually has “PC”, “Inc.” or “Ltd” in its name.
Sole Proprietorships, LLCs, PLLCs, LLPs and PLLPs and partnerships are regarded as contributions from an individual (Personal).
For more information about NYS political contribution limits go to the website of the NYS Board of Elections
Also, please note that pursuant to the Internal Revenue Code, a federally tax exempt 501(c)(3) organization may not participate in, or intervene in, any campaign of any candidate either directly or through funding (federal, state or local elections). Please consult your legal counsel if you have any question pertaining to the possible impact of political contributions on the tax exempt status of the corporation.
MSSNYPAC is a political action committee (PAC) registered with the New York State Board of Elections. We are permitted to contribute to political committees also registered with the New York State Board of Elections. We are not permitted to contribute to candidates in a federal election. MSSNYPAC is a separate segregated fund established by MSSNY in order to engage in political action. It is not required to be a member of MSSNY to contribute to MSSNYPAC.
MSSNYPAC’s politically active physicians and allies are compelled to advocate on behalf of their patients, medical practices and profession. The future of medicine is being shaped today by physicians who understand the importance of being present and influential in policy discussions and make the time to be involved in these vital professional activities.
Paul N. Orloff, M.D.
Ophthalmology, New York County
Thomas T. Lee, M.D., F.A.C.S., M.B.A.
Neurosurgery, Westchester County
Joshua M. Cohen, M.D., M.P.H.
Neurology, New York County
- Grassroots Action Center (GAC)
- Legislator Lookup
- American Medical Association
- American Medical Association Political Action Committee
- New York State Board of Elections
- New York State Democratic Party
- New York State Republican Party
- NYS Senate Republican Campaign Committee
- NYS Democratic Assembly Campaign Committee
- NYS Democratic Senate Campaign Committee
- NYS Republican Assembly Campaign Committee
- New York State Government
- New York State Senate
- New York State Assembly
- United States House of Representatives
- United States Senate
- Library of Congress
- US Supreme Court
- NYS Courts