Legislator Scorecard
A Summary of The Voting and Co-Sponsorship Records
The Legislator Scorecard is a summary of the voting and co-sponsorship records of each state legislator on issues important to New York physicians during the 2023 legislative session.
Physicians should be aware that there are a variety of factors relevant to contribution decisions which are not reflected in a scorecard. These include such things as: whether a legislator is in the majority or minority, the margin between majority and minority in a particular house, whether a legislator chairs a particularly relevant committee, and whether a member holds a leadership position in their legislative body.
It is also important to consider such things as: how a legislator is regarded by their colleagues, debate participation, and the negotiating role of a particular legislator. Furthermore, in New York State, many political decisions take place behind the scenes. There are many instances in which a legislator helps MSSNY by making sure a bad bill never reaches a floor vote, or amends a bill to address the concerns of physicians. Scorecards do not reflect that “value” element.
Both membership in MSSNY and monetary contributions to MSSNYPAC are what makes this work possible and what keeps us working on behalf of New York physicians and their patients. Not only do we work proactively, but we also help defeat regressive and inappropriate scope of practice expansions put forward by other interest groups. The collective voice of physicians represented by MSSNY is vitally important and your support is crucial. Thank you.
The four bills supported by MSSNY on the scorecard include:
- A6017/S3449 – MSSNY CPH Liability Protection
- A7268/S3400 – Prior Authorization Reform
- A7316/S6733 – Telehealth Payment Parity Extension
- A1777/S3282 – Due Process for Non-Renewed Providers
The one bill opposed by MSSNY on the scorecard includes:
- A6698/S6636 – Wrongful Death Expansion
To view details pertaining to the substance of the bills listed and MSSNY’s position, view our Memos in Support and Opposition.
We thank you so very much for your support and being a Force for Change in NYS healthcare policy. Your donations make these resources available.
Scorecards for some individual counties are available for download below. To request a scorecard from a county not listed, please contact [email protected] or call 518-465-8085. Search for your legislative district or legislators by clicking here.