Save The Date!
2024 MSSNY House of Delegates
Friday, April 12, 2024 – Sunday, April 14, 2024
Long Island Marriott – 101 James Doolittle Blvd, Uniondale, NY 11553

MSSNY Poster Symposium Flyer

Poster Symposium Guidelines

Poster Symposium Abstract Booklet

Fellow delegates,

We are now only days away from the MSSNY 218th House of Delegates. The following is an outline of what will occur leading up to our House of Delegates and a summary of events at that House.

Late resolutions may be submitted until noon on Monday, April 8 prior to a meeting of the Rules committee to be held on Monday evening. The Rules Committee will review the late resolutions relative to their timeless of submission and not on the merit of the resolution. The authors of the resolution should plan to attend (and will be invited to) the Zoom meeting and speak to why the resolution was presented after the deadline. Any resolutions submitted after Noon on Monday will be considered Emergency Resolutions and will only become the business of the House if accepted by a 3/4 majority of the Delegates.

April 11 ( Thursday) will be a of CME presented by MSSNY and MLMIC on a virtual platform:

Schedule as follows: (Click title to view flyer and register)

Medical Matters 2023-2024

7:30 a.m.   – What’s That Spot?
Faculty: William Valenti, MD & Kira Geraci-Ciardullo, MD, MPH

Veterans Matters 2024-2025

8:40 a.m.  – TBI in Returning Veterans
Faculty: David Podwall, MD

9:50 a.m.   – Burn Pits: Psychological and Physical Impact on Veterans:
Faculty: Frank Dowling, MD; Mary Lee-Wong, MD

MLMIC Sponsored CME Events

1:00 p.m.   – Common Claims Against Physicians: A Specialty Review
2:00 p.m.   – Supply Chain and Medication Resource Challenges: The Risk to Patient Safety
3:00 p.m.   – 2024 Healthcare Law Review

April 12 (Friday) will see the opening of the House of Delegates promptly at 8:00 a.m. Caucusing will occur prior to the meeting, from 6:00 a.m.  to 7:50 a.m. and again from noon to 2:00 p.m. The House will recess by 10:00 a.m.   to allow the live portion of the Reference Committee Hearings. Please note that the reference committee on Bylaws will present its consent calendar on Friday morning for possible extractions and debate. A number of meetings are scheduled Friday afternoon with the schedule to be posted on the MSSNY website. Friday evening will be highlighted by a reception sponsored by MLMIC from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. and will include Hors D’ Oeuvres and liquid refreshments.

April 13 (Saturday) sees the reopening of the House of Delegates promptly at 8:00 a.m.  preceded by regional caucuses from 6:00 a.m.   to 7:50 a.m.  There will be a brief recess for lunch before the house re-convenes for the afternoon. In addition to dealing with resolutions on Saturday there will also be an address from the NYS Health Commissioner, James V McDonald, MD, MPH. with limited time for questions. Other presentations will occur intermittently with house business.

Voting for the AMA Delegation will be done online through Voting will commence at 5:00 p.m. Saturday and go on until 8:00 a.m. Sunday with results announced at 9:00 a.m. Please note only delegates that have registered by 5 p.m. Saturday will be emailed a unique link to vote. Voting links may not be shared and can only be used once. Since there were no prefatory nominations submitted for Officers, Councilors, or Trustees the slate presented by the Nominating Committee will be elected officially on Saturday afternoon.

April 14 (Sunday) The House will reconvene to complete its business and hear from our EVP and outgoing President. The House of Delegates must complete its business by noon. Council and the Board of Trustees will meet following the adjournment of the 2024 House of Delegates.

Wishing you all a great House of Delegates.

William R. Latreille, MD, FACP
Speaker, MSSNY HOD

L. Carlos Zapata, MD
Vice Speaker, MSSNY HOD