PAL Network
Physician Advocacy Liaison Network
MSSNY is building an even more powerful grassroots infrastructure to increase physician contact with local legislators. We must mobilize physicians to better ensure the enactment of favorable legislation and the defeat of proposals that will adversely impact the care that you provide to your patients. We must make certain that our elected officials remain committed to championing the issues that matter most to MSSNY members and their patients.
We are aware that many of you already have close relationships with various legislators, and/or are aware of other physician activists who do. Therefore, we are looking to you to help us update our list of key contacts to expand the physician community’s involvement in the legislative process. Please sign up below by filling out the Physician Advocacy Liaison Network form and we will contact you with further information.
PAL Network events can be found on our calendar and on our special events page. You may also call us in Albany at 518-465-8085. Thank you.
Become a member of the PAL Network today. Sign up below.
The purpose of the Physician Advocacy Liaison (PAL) Network is to get MSSNY and the physician community’s message across in a more visible way at the local level. The PAL network will help to make grassroots contacts with legislators more defined and personal. At least two or three members will be assigned as a liaison to each state legislator. The member will be a constituent of the legislator they are assigned. These PALs will meet personally with their assigned legislator at least twice a year to develop close relationships with elected officials.
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