Dear NYS COVID-19 Vaccine Provider:
This email includes clarifying information about submitting weekly planning requests for COVID-19 vaccine for your provider location enrolled in the NYSDOH COVID-19 Vaccine Program. The process for submitting a planning request is currently called “prebooking” in NYSIIS. We are hearing that the term “prebooking” is confusing to some so we are analyzing what we can revise in NYSIIS and the accompanying training materials to clarify. In the meantime, we will use the term planning request. A planning request is not a guaranteed order.
In order to be considered for a COVID-19 vaccine allocation, you must submit a new Planning Request in NYSIIS each Monday by 5PM. Planning Requests submitted on time are considered for allocations NYSDOH receives from CDC later that week and shipped to providers the following week. Only request the amount of vaccine you can store and administer to eligible populations seven days from receipt. At this time NYSDOH allocations remain very limited so not all requests are able to be filled. Please do NOT schedule appointments until you have received notification that an order has been placed on your behalf.
For your awareness, this is the general ordering timeline:
Monday | Active vaccine providers enter the Planning Request into NYSIIS by 5pm |
Tuesday | Federal Government releases weekly vaccine planning number to NYS |
Wed-Thurs | NYS allocation team determines amount of vaccine to distribute to each provider |
Thurs pm | Federal government opens Federal Ordering system (VTrckS) |
Fri-Sat | NYS ordering team places order in VTrckS |
Sun-Mon | Federal Government and Vaccine Manufacturers process orders |
Tue-Thurs | Shipments arrive. Ancillary kits usually arrive one day before vaccine and dry ice usually arrives one day after Pfizer vaccine. |
Thurs-Thurs | ALL vaccine is administered by providers by appointment only. Note this operational period starts 10 days after your planning request. |
Read ALL the information in this note and in the attached instructions and guidance before entering a planning request in NYSIIS by 5:00 pm each and every Monday. If you have not yet started to vaccinate, do not submit a planning request until you are ready to begin. If you have started to vaccinate you must submit a planning request EACH WEEK. The planning request you enter must reflect only the number of “first” doses that you are able to receive, store and administer to eligible populations within 7 days of receipt. Your new planning request may be submitted anytime between Thursday and Monday at 5PM for consideration for the corresponding week’s allocation.
Note: The planning request is a requested amount. This does not guarantee an immediate allocation or allocation at the level requested. Vaccine distribution will be prioritized in a way that promotes equity and social and economic wellbeing and protects individuals at greatest risk of exposure to and/or severe illness from COVID-19.
By submitting a planning request, you are confirming you have the storage and administration capacity to receive the requested doses to vaccinate populations defined by NYSDOH within seven days of receipt, which may include individuals from outside of your organization. If you are not yet prepared to administer vaccine, do not submit a planning request. Planning requests entered by 5:00 pm on Mondays will be considered for an allocation in NYSDOH’s next distribution.
Planning requests are submitted in NYSIIS under a specific COVID-19 “campaign” (review attached instructions). Campaigns are used to group specific vaccines and product codes.
Current NYSIIS COVID-19 campaigns available to providers:
If you are a pharmacy, use COVID_pharmacy1
All other providers, use COVID1
NYSIIS displays two campaigns for each provider – one for first dose and one for second dose. Only submit planning requests for first doses. Pharmacies should submit their planning requests under the COVID_pharmacy1 campaign. All other providers should submit their planning requests under the COVID1 campaign. Do not use the COVID_pharmacy2 or COVID2 campaigns since those are for second doses and will be managed by NYSDOH. You do not need to submit a planning request for second doses, they will automatically be allocated and shipped by NYSDOH at the appropriate interval for that product. If you enter any planning requests under the second dose campaign they will be canceled.
When entering your new planning request, you must also DELETE or CANCEL any prior unallocated prebook entries (see attached guidance).
As stated earlier, the planning request does not guarantee immediate allocation or allocation at the level requested. If you receive a vaccine allocation, NYSDOH will accept the allocation for you and submit the order to CDC. The CMO, CEO, primary and backup coordinators indicated on your enrollment application will receive an email notification for any orders placed, both first dose and second dose, for administration planning.
The NYSDOH appreciates your collaboration to ensure equitable access to the COVID-19 vaccine. For questions, please email [email protected]
FDA Authorizes Updated (Bivalent) COVID-19 Vaccines for Children Down to 6 Months of Age – December 9, 2022 Dear COVID-19 Vaccination Provider: On December 8, 2022, FDA authorized the bivalent Moderna COVID-19 vaccine for children ages 6 months through 5 years of age and bivalent Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine for children 6 months through 4
Yesterday, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration amended the emergency use authorizations (EUAs) of the Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine, Bivalent and the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine, Bivalent to authorize their use as a single booster dose in younger age groups: CDC’s Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky released a statement and signed a decision memo recommending updated (bivalent) COVID-19 boosters for children five years and older. This expands on CDC's recommendation issued September 1, 2022, for updated COVID-19 boosters of people ages 12 and older.
Updated Clinical Guidance For Individuals 6 Months-11 Years Old – June 22, 2022 Dear NYS COVID-19 Vaccine Provider: Effective June 18, 2022, the CDC has recommended that everyone ages 6 months and older in the United States should receive a COVID-19 primary series vaccination for the prevention of COVID-19. This attached provider guidance has
Updated Guidance for The New York State COVID-19 Vaccination Program for Individuals 12 Years of Age or Older June 13, 2022 Note: This guidance document applies specifically to health care providers offering COVID-19 vaccinations to adolescents and adults ages 12 and older. Guidance specific to COVID-19 vaccination of children ages 5-11 can be found