Let’s Seize this Opportunity to Connect, Grow, and Lead in Advancing our Profession


I’m Dr. Jerome Cohen, the proud new President of the Medical Society of the State of New York. It’s my privilege to reach out to you through our weekly newsletter, ‘The Pulse.’  

Whether you are actively engaged with us, or we have yet to meet, I invite you to join and participate in our journey. 

Since 1807, our Society has stood as a beacon for advancing evidence-based medicine and improving healthcare. Our mission, inspired by the principle of Tikkun Olam—’ repairing the world’—reflects our collective dedication to not just our profession but also to societal well-being. 

Our legacy is built on the selfless dedication of individuals like you, who juggle personal sacrifices with the noble aim of enhancing patient care and medical practice. Your commitment is vital to our progress, and it never goes unnoticed. 

Stepping into the role of MSSNY president, I am filled with honor and humility, mindful of the immense contributions of those who preceded me. Their legacies are our foundation, and their aspirations our guiding light. 

Thank you to those who joined us at our annual House of Delegates meeting last weekend. To the many more who contribute in various ways or are contemplating involvement, your engagement is crucial. Your participation strengthens our bonds across generations and fortifies our mission. 

As we continue navigating the complexities of healthcare and advocacy, let’s celebrate our history and look forward to a promising future. I encourage all of you, especially those who have yet to be part of our activities, to join us in this noble endeavor. Together, we will continue to make significant strides in improving healthcare for everyone. 

Thank you for your unwavering commitment and dedication to your patients and to your profession. Let’s seize this opportunity to connect, grow, and lead in advancing our profession. If you are not already a MSSNY member, join now. 

Jerome Cohen, MD
Medical Society of the State of New York 

Categories: PulsePublished On: April 19th, 2024Tags: , ,


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