Message from MSSNY President Parag Mehta, MD:
MSSNY Launches a New Website


I’m excited to share a link to our new MSSNY website, which we launched this week. I hope to fulfill the needs of our members and highlight your successes and contributions. Please share your stories, news, and pictures so that we can share them with the world. I thank all who helped to dramatically improve the MSSNY website with better graphics, a more user-friendly layout, and an enhanced experience for those who come to our new online home.   We appreciate the input and feedback we received from many of you, all of which informed many aspects of the new design. Stay tuned for further improvements. Please share your suggestions.

MSSNY’s House of Delegates. Plans for the 2023 MSSNY House of Delegates meeting are well underway and I look forward to seeing many of you in Tarrytown on April 22. Check the HOD page on the MSSNY website for regular information from our Speaker and Vice Speaker on credentialing, resolution deadlines, and more.

Virtual Credit Card Payments and EFT Fees. As you are aware, physician practices have long complained about virtual credit card payments and Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) fees, which cost 3%+ of revenue and 6-8% of gross profits.  CMS has proposed adding credit card payments to a standard transaction, which is a step in “normalizing” virtual credit cards. Healthcare providers, hospitals and physicians need to put a hard stop to this illegal proposal. CMS (X12/NCVHS) proposed new rules for Electronic Remittance Advice (ERA). One of the proposals is to add card payment information to the ERA.  Card payments refer to virtual credit cards that health plans send to doctors instead of checks or EFT. Please submit comments to [email protected] with the subject line: RFC on X12 and CAQH CORE Proposals, by December 15, 2022.

Parag Mehta, MD
MSSNY President

Physician Who Survived Mass Shooting Calls on Policymakers
“I’m a pediatrician, I’m a survivor of a mass shooting, I’m a parent of children who may be forever scarred by their experiences, and I refuse to let other families, neighborhoods, suffer.”

Dr. Emily Lieberman is a physician who has practiced in Illinois for over ten years. After a recent tragedy, she believes physicians needed to take a more visible stance on gun violence. She and 13 family members attended the Fourth of July parade in Highland Park, just as they do yearly. But this time, in seconds, the lively summer celebration had unraveled into a scene of terror as the distinct popping sounds of gunfire rang through the street.

Now Emily has developed a medical outreach arm of March Fourth, a foundation founded shortly after the Highland Park shooting to advocate for a federal assault rifle ban. Emily intends to bring her medical expertise to the gun violence epidemic. Dr. Lieberman, along with physician colleagues and experts, met this week with senators and other policymakers in Washington, D.C. The goal was to push for Senate Bill 736, which would impose a ban on assault weapons. The meeting also overlaps with the 10th anniversary of the mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut. She wants to reframe gun violence as a public health crisis and has worked nationwide to mobilize others in the medical profession to join the fight to end mass shootings.

“I think a physician’s voice on this issue is the most sensible way to prevent mass shootings.”

Pediatrician who survived Highland Park shooting wants to reframe gun violence as a public health crisis, calls on national policymakers to act (Anderson, Chicago Tribune, 11/22).

Virtual Reality: The New Tool in Healthcare Training
Technology has become so familiar in our lives that we are numb to innovation. However, virtual reality has given people a taste of something they’ve never experienced before. Virtual reality is not only a technology that complements our lives, but also a technology that brings our lives into an entirely new reality.

Medical teams have used virtual reality to plan and practice complex surgeries and as a pain management tactic to distract patients from procedures, especially when sedation and anesthesia are not options. Virtual reality has also helped professionals working in addiction recovery be more creative in the strategies and techniques they use to help their patients overcome their addictions. Learn more about the ways virtual reality is advancing healthcare.

Virtual Reality: The New Tool in Healthcare Training (Philipson, Medcity, 12/5)

Nassau County Medical Society Honors Immediate Past President Dr. Ronald B. Menzin and Welcomes Guest Speaker, Former United States Surgeon General Dr. Jerome Adams at the Fall 2022 Membership Meeting
On November 19th, the Nassau County Medical Society (NCMS) hosted its Fall 2022 Membership Meeting in Honor of the Immediate Past President, Dr. Ronald B. Menzin. Dr. Menzin received the presidential medallion, the Award of Excellence, citations from local legislators, and a portrait to commemorate his importance to the growth of the Society and the Academy. During his acceptance speech, Dr. Menzin stressed the importance of making health care accessible and affordable for patients and doctors alike.

Former United States Surgeon General Dr. Jerome Adams and current NCMS President Dr. David Podwall participated in a lively discussion for all in attendance. Dr. Adams emphasized Dr. Mezin’s message regarding the importance of health equity and improving our healthcare system. In a moment of self-reflection, he examined how his decisions as Surgeon General made a personal impact on him and his family. He spoke candidly about how his choices led to missed screenings and doctor appointments, sharing his wife’s cancer diagnosis, and the obstacles created by COVID and treatment. Dr. Adams emphasized the necessity of continued caution as we navigate and study the complications of long-COVID. He stressed how quickly the medical community was able to come together to create a vaccine and provide solutions to the challenges we faced during dark and unprecedented times.


Dr. Podwall and Dr. Adams

Members of the Nassau County Medical Society

Sit Down and Be Counted!
Many of you will have noticed receiving an invitation to participate in a survey for MSSNY. This survey is being administered among all current and former members, as well as some New York physicians and medical students who have never been members. (Questions are based on your status, so the survey is not the same for everyone).

To begin your survey, please refer to the personalized link sent last Thursday from Dr. Mehta and Troy Oechsner. With this personalized link you can return to your survey later if necessary.

Or if you can complete the 15 minute survey in one sitting, you can use this link:

Just remember to share your name/email at the end of the survey so our research consultant can enter you in the drawing for one of five $100 gift cards. All responses are confidential. Thank you in advance for sharing your thoughts with us!

Are You a MSSNY Resident/Fellow Member? Your Section Needs You!
Would you be interested in serving on the Resident/Fellow Section Governing Council or serve as a delegate or represent the Section on MSSNY’s Council?  The Section has opportunities for you to be a voice for the Section.

Elections for these positions will take place on Monday, February 13.  For more information, please contact Kathy Rohrer at [email protected].

CPH Banner

MSSNY 16th Annual Poster Symposium
MSSNY Medical Students and Resident/Fellow members are invited to submit abstracts that will be considered for poster presentation at this year’s House of Delegates. Deadline for abstract submission: 4 pm, Monday, January 16, 2023.

Please note that medical student membership requires enrollment in an LCME or COCA-accredited school. However, non-LCME/COCA students doing rotations in New York hospitals may participate without membership. Click here for more details.

Abstract Reviewers Needed
MSSNY will once again hold a Residents/Fellows and Medical Students’ Poster Symposium during the 2023 MSSNY House of Delegates.  We are seeking volunteers to serve as reviewers of abstracts for the symposium. January 16, 2023 is the deadline for submission of abstracts and abstract review will take place between January 20 and February 20.

If you are interested in reviewing abstracts, please contact Kathy Rohrer at [email protected]

MSSNY Teams Up with More Than 20 Statewide Patient & Physician Advocacy Groups to Urge Governor Hochul to Sign Clinical Peer Review Legislation
(A.879-Gottfried/S.8113-Cleare). Bill Would Require Qualified Health Plan Physician Reviewers

MSSNY has teamed up with numerous statewide patient and physician advocacy groups including the American Cancer Society (ACS), the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, the New York State Bleeding Disorders Coalition, Mental Health Association of New York State (MHANYS), National Association of Mental Illness of New York State (NAMINYS) as well as 15 specialty societies to urge Governor Hochul to sign A.879 (Gottfried)/S.8113 (Cleare) into law. The bill would ensure that those who make “medical necessity” determinations on behalf of a health insurance company are appropriately qualified to make those decisions. To demonstrate the need, MSSNY conducted a survey of its members and found the following:

  • 86% had a pre-authorization request or claim submission denied by an insurer based on the review of a health care provider that didn’t specialize in their specialty.
  • 42% of the respondents frequently had pre-authorization or claim submission from a physician not in the same specialty and 77% at least sometimes did.
  • Oncology (cancer care) was the specialty most impacted by this practice.

The bill would prohibit a health plan from denying a patient’s treatment unless the reviewing physician is board-certified, or board eligible, in the same or similar specialty as the physician who originally recommended the treatment under review.  It would also require that the reviewing physician have a license to practice medicine issued by New York State.

Please contact Governor Hochul and urge her to sign this important bill into law as soon as possible!

MSSNY also continues to work with various patient and physician advocacy groups in support of the following bills:

  • To prohibit health insurers from step therapy requirements on medications to treat a mental health condition. End Fail First & Step Therapy Protocols (
  • To prohibit health insurers from preventing their insureds from applying the benefit of a prescription discount card to meet their deductibles  End Copay Accumulators A1741-A/S.5299-A (
  • To require the Office of Medicaid Inspector General to provide more due process for health care providers audited by the OMIG.

To learn more about this issue, please read an opinion editorial coauthored by Dr. David Eagle and Dr. Jeff Vacirca, which recently ran in Newsday.

To view the full list of organizations that signed the letter:

CMS Payment Rule Finalizes Steep Medicare Physician Cuts for 2023 – Congress Must Act!
MSSNY and county medical society physician leaders met with key New York Congressional delegation members to urge them to do all in their power to ensure Congress passes a law to prevent a drastic 8.5% cut to Medicare physician payments for 2023.  Meetings were held with Representative Joseph Morelle, and with top staff to Senate Majority Leader Chares Schumer, incoming House Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries.  Further physician leader meetings are scheduled for next week.

At the same time, physicians are again urged to contact their Respective Congressional representative and Senators Schumer and Gillibrand (Stop Cuts to Medicare Payments ( to urge that they act to prevent this staggering cut

Please let them know that any cut, let alone the cut of this magnitude, is intolerable as many physician practices attempt to recover from the pandemic can barely keep their doors open to continue delivering patient care and employing staff.

The cuts are based upon a variety of provisions that will expire at the end of 2022. Before the end of the year, we are asking Congress to:

  • Extend the Congressionally enacted 3% temporary increase in the Medicare physician fee schedule
  • Provide relief for an additional 1.5% budget neutrality cut that is planned for 2023
  • End the statutory annual freeze and provide an inflation-based update for the coming year
  • Waive the 4% PAYGO sequester necessitated by passage of legislation unrelated to Medicare

Please let your legislators know that their constituents – your patients – will suffer from access issues if this cut is not prevented by the end of the year.  Again, you can send a letter to your members of Congress from here: Stop Cuts to Medicare Payments (

CMS Advances Proposed Regulation to Reduce Prior Auth Hassles
This week CMS released the Advancing Interoperability and Improving Prior Authorization Processes Proposed Rule. These proposed regulations would place new requirements on Medicare Advantage (MA) plans, state Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) Fee-for-Service programs, Medicaid and CHIP managed care plans, and Qualified Health Plan issuers on the Federally Facilitated Exchanges to streamline prior authorization (PA) processes to reduce physician practice burdens and prevent patient care delays.

The American Medical Association reports that, while it is still analyzing the 400-page rule, they expect it to align with its Prior Authorization Reform campaign. Importantly, the rule reflects the AMA’s advocacy together with MSSNY and the federation of medicine to address excessive PA hassles in MA plans.

In a memo to state medical societies, the AMA’s initial review suggests that the rule will bring much-needed transparency to both plans’ PA requirements and program metrics, such as approval/denial rates and average PA processing time.

A coalition of specialty societies issued a statement praising the release of the rule: RRC Press Release on Rule (D1034372). DOCX (, noting “We strongly support the agency’s recognition that this rule could prevent patients from abandoning care while waiting for an authorization, improve efficiencies for providers who must check on the status of an authorization over the course of several days or sometimes weeks.”

At the same time, AMA, MSSNY and state and specialty societies across the country continue to advocate for H.R. 3173, the Improving Seniors’ Timely Access to Care Act of 2022, which passed the US House of Representatives earlier this year and would also provide for improvements in MA plan PA procedures.  That legislation has been derailed, however, by a ludicrous financial score from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO). The AMA notes that the score was driven by an incorrect assumption that reductions in PA subsequently permit physicians to perform more services, which, in turn, leads to higher spending for MA plans. The release of this regulation is supposed to play a positive role in reducing the total CBO score.   Advocacy efforts will continue to enact HR 3173.

Patients and Physicians Raise Concerns with Changes to NYSHIP Out of Network Coverage
MSSNY has heard from several physicians raising concerns about a substantial diminishment in coverage for out of network services in the New York State Empire Plan for at least a significant number of public sector employees.

According to one of the court documents from litigation filed by several physicians against the New York State Department of Civil Service, and a recent New York Post article (, the largest state workers union in the State (CSEA) agreed in contract negotiations to reduce coverage for out of network services for their members from 90% Fair Health to 275% of the Medicare fee schedule starting in June 2023.  This contract benefit change could substantially increase the out-of-pocket costs these patients would face when obtaining care from a physician who does not participate in the State’s Empire Plan. The New York Post article discusses concerns from patients about this substantial drop in coverage and potential huge increase in out-of-pocket costs.

As part of a preliminary response pending further information, MSSNY has developed template communications that concerned physicians can customize to speak with their patients about the impact of this change, and what they can do in response, such as complaining to their union representative and the Governor’s office (MSSNY has also developed a template communication for patients as well).  Please click here to request these template communications. Physicians and patients can also send a letter to Governor Hochul objecting to this change here Retain NYSHIP Coverage for Public Employees (

MSSNY has also begun to share this information with key legislative staff so they can themselves investigate whether they will be facing a similar diminishment in their health care coverage.

The Downsides of Medicare Advantage Plans
Nassau County Medical Society President and MSSNY Membership Chair Dr. David Podwall talks to Medpage Today about whether doctors should warn patients about the downsides of Medicare Advantage plans.

Connect with the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services and National Government Services this Tuesday
Join Heather Lopez, MSSNY’s Director of Physician Payment & Practice, an expert in practice management, billing, and reimbursement this Tuesday, December 13, 2022, at 6 pm for the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services and National Government Services’ open agenda meeting.  Members are encouraged to participate and open a direct communication line with policymakers that otherwise can be difficult to reach. Heather is an expert in practice management, billing, and reimbursement.

Cybersecurity: Locking the Back Door Webinar Wednesday, December 14
In this webinar, STI will introduce you to Cybersecurity Trends that are affecting the Healthcare industry. The cybersecurity landscape keeps evolving as bad characters continue to get more creative. Over the last year, they have come up with new attack vectors and adjusted their tactics to circumvent ways that had been implemented to prevent them in the past.

STI’s Director of Technical Services, Al Toper is an Air Force veteran with over 40 years in the technology field. Please join him as he shows you these new attack vectors and things you can do to help prevent you from being the next victim. Register Today

Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV): An Evolving Story Medical Matters CME Webinar on December 14th
Like influenza, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) began surging unseasonably in 2022.  Learn more about the current RSV outbreak, and why experts are concerned about a “tripledemic” by registering for Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV): An Evolving Story on December 14th at 7:30am.  Faculty for this webinar are Edward Walsh, MD, Professor of Medicine at the University of Rochester, and Head of Infectious Diseases at the Rochester General Hospital, and William Valenti, MD, chair of MSSNY’s Infectious Diseases Committee.

Educational Objectives are:

  • Describe the 2022-2023 RSV season
  • Outline history and epidemiology of RSV infection
  • Identify strategies for prevention and treatment, including vaccine prospects

Additional information or assistance with registration may be obtained by contacting Melissa Hoffman at [email protected].

The Medical Society of the State of New York is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians.

The Medical Society of the State of New York designates this live activity for a maximum of 1.0 AMA PRA Category 1 credits™.  Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.

Are You Prepared for Your Next Contract Negotiation?
A physician-founded and physician-driven company, Resolve is bringing change to employment contracts by providing data and transparency into the physician market. Using the most accurate data on compensation and other contract terms sourced from actual contracts, Resolve delivers the insights and expertise to help physicians negotiate for what they truly deserve and take control of their careers. Please visit Resolve to receive exclusive MSSNY Pricing.

Resolve’s contract scorecard compares all the most important parts of your contract to data from other contracts in your specialty and region.

Enter numbers like your salary, production bonus, signing bonus, paid time off, and more to see whether they are below average or on par with other physicians like yourself.

The scorecard lets you know which aspects of your employment may need work, so you can decide whether to negotiate or get hands-on assistance reviewing the contract in greater detail.


Classified Ads Available for:

Physicians’ search services • allied medical placements • locum tenens • practice valuation • practice brokerage • practice consulting • real estate

For help, information or to place your ad, call Roseann Raia at 516-488-6100
ext. 302

For the MSSNY 2022 Ad RateSheet, please click here.

NYC – Flatiron District Medical Office Sublet – New Construction
We are a physical medicine office looking to sublease space in the heart of the Flatiron district. Beautiful brand-new build out with opportunity for two examination rooms with reception area. Space is exceptional with tall ceilings, hardwood floors, in an elevator doorman building. Space is located in between 5th and 6th Avenues below 23rd street and above 14th street. Perfect for Orthopedist, Physiatrist, Primary care, Podiatrist, etc…For questions please contact Christopher Anselmi. Cell: 917-301-7206, Email:[email protected]|


Downtown Financial District Boutique Medical Suite
Brand new office space.

Conveniently located to 2,3,4,5,6,J,M,Z subway lines. Boutique commercial office building with door attendant. Newly renovated, spacious, high ceilings, with new cabinetry and flooring (1,400 sq./ft. Approx). One to two exam rooms, part-time to full-time with shared waiting room. Full use of kitchen/pantry, reception space, and 24-7 access with security. Free high-speed WiFi and utilities. Immediate availability.

Perfect for MD’s of all specialties including plastic surgeons, dermatologists, internists, urologists and OB-GYNs, physical therapists, podiatrists, aestheticians, acupuncturists, chiropractors, nutritionists.

Reasonable rates. Flexible usage.

Please text or call Office Manager Lauren for more info at (646) 601-5954 or email [email protected]

Concierge Practice for Sale  Boca Raton Florida
FOR SALE: Established Independent Concierge Internal Medicine Practice in Boca Raton, Florida. Stable turnkey operation in a pleasant work environment. Ideal for someone with the desire to transition to a better approach to medical practice. Financing available.
Contact [email protected].

Rheumatology Practice Sublet – Great Neck, NY
Sublet opportunity available at an established medical office in Great Neck, NY. Prime location near LIJ, Northshore University and St. Francis Hospitals. Fully equipped office with onsite parking and proximity to mass transit. Contact 516-972-2986/[email protected] for more info.

Medical Office for Share in Medical Park with Free Big Parking Lot in Westchester County
Medical office for sublet in Medical Park with free big parking lot, located at West Harrison, border of White Plains in Westchester County. Office includes a big waiting room with a kitchen, doctors office, exam room, and reception area. All rooms are available for whole days of Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday, Thursday (Thursday full day on every 1st and 3rd week and Thursday morning on every 2nd and 4th week each month, or we can discuss more options). Monthly rent $600 for once a week usage, $1100 for twice a week usage, $1500 for three-day a week usage. Newly renovated and fully furnished. Text May if you are interested 646-338-4803

Rendr – Transforming Healthcare – Leadership Opportunity: Associate Chief Medical Office, SVP of Population Health, Bilingual English and Chinese (Mandarin or Cantonese) preferred
Job Position: Associate Chief Medical Office, SVP of Population Health in this role, you will lead and provide a wide range of support through population health, quality measures, practice transformation, Rendr360 department, House Calls, and other projects. Please send resumes [email protected]. We are offering leadership opportunities to Physicians who are interested in providing high-quality clinical care to our patients in the diverse communities that we serve. As a rapidly growing network, we provide a supportive environment for our physicians to practice medicine under the guidance of dedicated medical leadership.

Categories: PulsePublished On: December 9th, 2022Tags: ,


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