State Budget Takes Steps to Protect Patient Access to Community-Based Physician Care


“We must, indeed, all hang together, or most assuredly we shall all hang separately.”    —- Benjamin Franklin, 1776

This past week, we saw the wisdom of Ben Franklin’s message.  MSSNY, working together with numerous allies, has accomplished a plethora of important wins within the recently passed NYS Budget. Elsewhere in the Pulse you can read about each of these items. We were successful on many issues because we all hung together in our lobbying efforts. Each individual item only benefits a segment of physicians, yet the whole of our victory benefits everyone. Look again at that list of items. This is also a list of disasters that we avoided by hanging together.

As we celebrate our wins this week, let’s remain mindful of the need to maintain our unity. Most of these wins only keep what we now have. There is so much more that we need if we are to have a better future. Moreover, some of the problematic items that were defeated in the Budget could come back as “stand alone” proposals in the last month of the legislative session.  Therefore, our continued vigilance is essential.

Keep reading this page.  I’ll have more to say every week.

Jerome Cohen, MD
Medical Society of the State of New York 

Categories: PulsePublished On: April 25th, 2024Tags: , ,


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